Oats have excellent nutritional qualities and are rich in protein, seven B vitamins, calcium, fiber, and unsaturated fats. Flour from oats is gluten free, and it is believed that oat bran lowers cholesterol.

The reason oatmeal keeps longer than other grains is because the heat used to process it destroys the enzymes that hasten staling.

Oat groats are untreated, natural, hulled oats with the outermost inedible chaff, or hull, removed.

Quick oats are groats that have been steel-cut into pieces before being steamed and flattened by steel rollers into thin flakes. Quick oats have less texture and are less chewy than rolled oats.

Steaming then crushing oat groats between steel rollers make rolled oats, also called old-fashioned oats. The cholesterol lowering bran and B vitmains are retained. Old-fashioned oats and quick oats can usually be interchanged in recipes.

Use oats in cereal, cookies, breads, pancakes, and waffles.

*For nutritional content and recipes see the book “Those Wonderful Grains-2nd Edition-2nd Edition,” by Chef Brad

Nutritional Information

Oats, Quick is Gluten Free
Fiber Content: 2.0 grams per 0.5 cup


Oats, Quick Cooking Times

Cooking Ratio
Stove Top
Electric Pressure Cooker
Stove Top Pressure Cooker
8 Minutes
2 Minutes
2 Minutes

The Electric Pressure Cooker is Chef Brad’s favorite pan for cooking breakfast cereals. It cooks fast and turns to a keep warm mode. Grains stay hot and in perfect condition for hours when cooked using the electric pressure cooker.

Most grains do well in the pressure cooker. Natural release method is recommended. Meaning after suggested cooking time turn off heat and let the pressure come down naturally.


Recipes Using Oats