This recipe is a family favorite at my home. So easy and so tasty. This must be done in an electic pressure cooker. Just the way it will cook prevents it from burning. The electric pressure cooker is amazing for this one pot pressure cooker meal.

Millet Rigatoni
  • 16 oz Sweet ground Italian Sausage
  • ½ cup Millet, uncooked
  • 26 oz pasta sauce, garlic and herb
  • 28 oz Crushed tomatoes, or Whole tomatoes crushed with hand
  • 12 oz can roasted red peppers, chopped
  • 2 T. Tuscan Sunset
  • 1 lb. dry rigatoni
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Turn on an electric pressure cooker to high heat.
  2. Let it begin the heat up.
  3. Add the sausage with a little olive oil.
  4. Using a flat spoon, break up the meat in the cooker to let it begin to brown.
  5. Add the millet into the sausage.
  6. When it is about half way brown, you can begin to add all the other ingredients.
  7. Once the ingredients are all in the cooker, add a can full of water (using the pasta sauce can).
  8. Add more water if needs be till the water line is right above the pasta.
  9. Place on the lid, and cook for six minutes on high pressure.
  10. Let pressure come down naturally and open and top with cheese and close until cheese melts.